Política de Calidad

ACL DIRECT PROMO, is a company dedicated to the management of sales incentive promotions on behalf of its customers.

Since its first foundation, it has been absolutely committed to Quality of Service as the backbone of its company strategy.

ACL’s policy with regard to quality is to perform its services in accordance with the requirements and needs of customers, as well as legal and regulatory requirements and any other requirements to which it subscribes. Any compromise that would affect these principles is not considered acceptable in ACL.

ACL, taking the UNE EN ISO 9001 Standard as a model for its Quality Management System, uses the permanent analysis of results to achieve continuous improvement in the management method. To this end, it establishes and publishes goals and targets that are analysed as a permanent tool for the revision of the system.

ACL’s Management encourages and promotes cooperation with and respect for customers, employees, partners and suppliers, as well as representatives of public authorities.

To this end, ACL’s Management is committed to providing the necessary resources for the development and continuous improvement of the Quality Management System so that it is fully integrated into its short, medium and long term activities.